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  • This program is great, but doesn't work correctly since Win XP. It doesn't seem tha this program will get any update ... :-(((
  • This is a correction to earlier post. I right dlicked the checksum.exe and ran it as administrator and was able to tick the box to integrate it with Windows Explorer. DUH! So simple of a mistake; I just forgot it was W7 I was dealing with. Thanks for a great little program!
  • Would you be so kind as to add the date of the latest version of your products - at least on the version history page, if not on all pages? Thank you for your consideration.
  • I really like the Kana Reminder. It is the most useful program in my computer and I use it daily. Thank you Kana
  • Gbox server
  • Hey folks! The comment area is for comments, not questions. If you have a question, please use the forums.
  • My windows defender bloks dyndns updater How can I deblock it automaticly ..????? Thanks a lot stef

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  • Last updated: Sunday, January 16, 2011 1:37 pm
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