Copyright 2001-2003 by Kana Solution

* Because of many added functions, the data and setting files in this
  version are not compatible with the previous version.
* The location of data and setting files are moved into the
  Application Data folder.
* No help file is yet provided for this beta release.

* Export to text and import from text file.
* Export to XML and import from XML file.

10:04:58 08.07.2003 - Version
* Fixed the caption of the button on triggered reminder window. For
  one time reminder, when the 'Remind again' or 'Edit' checkbox
  unchecked, the caption did not return into 'Dismiss'.
* Added setting to set the default index of the 'Remind me again
  within' time selection. To do this, add the following lines inside
  [Options] section in ini file:
  where idx is the index of the list started from zero (0 = 5 minutes,
  1 = 10 minutes, etc.)

22:06:51 07.07.2003 - Version
* Added setting to position the triggered reminder window on screen.
  Currently, 4 positions are possible. These positions define the
  position of the first triggered window on screen. The subsequent
  windows will be positioned next to this window, with priority, first
  in horizontal direction, and then in vertical direction. By default,
  the first window will be positioned on the top left of the screen.
  To change this setting, add the following line inside [Options]
  section in ini file:
  you need to change the value of x by:
    1 =  top left
    2 =  top right
    3 =  bottom left
    4 =  bottm right
* Fixed some bugs.

10:03:52 04.07.2003 - Version
* Fixed bug. When the reminder was run under Windows 2000, sometime it
  stayed in memory after exiting the program.

16:48:19 03.07.2003 - Version
* Fixed bug. When set the reminder to Exit Windows (log off, restart,
  etc.), an error occured when the reminder attempted to do the task.
* Added button to test the program to be run. Look at the Program to
  Run window (Add New Reminder - Options - ... button).
* Added reminder text into the triggered reminder window caption.
* Added setting so that when you add new reminder data, the default of
  predefined type displayed can be set. To do this, add the following
  lines inside [Options] section in ini file:
  where the valid values for RememberReminderType are:
    0 = Always display Only Once as default
    1 = Allow to set predefined type.
  And the valid values of idx on ReminderTypeIndex are between 0 and
  31 (the index of the list base on zero).

06:32:43 30.06.2003 - Version
* Fixed bug. When more than one reminder data are triggered, the
  reminder data to be processed (edited, deleted, or rescheduled) can
  be wrong.
* Fixed bug. When selecting to edit the reminder data after it was
  triggered, and the Cancel button is clicked in editing window, the
  status of the reminder data on the list was not updated (still
  display Already triggered).

21:18:15 24.06.2003 - Version
* Fixed bug on the disable control interval setting was not correctly

09:07:05 23.06.2003 - Version
* Added function to temporarily disable the button to close the
  triggered window to avoid accidentaly closing that window. To
  activate this function, add the following lines inside [Options]
  section in ini file:
  where the valid values for DisableControl are:
    0 = Disable this function
    1 = Enable this function
  and the valid values for DisableControlInt are between 0-59.
  DisableControlInt represents the time interval the button will be
  disabled in second. The close button on the top right of the window
  still can be used to close the window during the disabled state.

11:40:48 21.06.2003 - Version
* Added two predefined reminder types: weekday and weekend. Note:
  because of this addition, if you have weekly reminder type or above,
  it will be shifted, so please check your data for that kind of
  By default, Saturday and Sunday are defined as weekend. If you want
  to customize the weekday and weekend, create the following entry
  inside the [Options] section in ini file:
  where 0 defines a weekend, 1 defines a weekday. The length of the
  sequence of those characters should be 7 (number of days in a week)
  or otherwise it will be ignored. The sequence begin from Sunday, so
  the above example defines Sunday as weekend and the other days as

09:05:56 14.06.2003 - Version
* Activate the write version number to registry function.

08:23:58 13.06.2003 - Version
* Fixed bug that the color and background color settings for reminder
  text did not displayed on triggered reminder window.
* Some interface improvements.

10:29:35 06.06.2003 - Version
* Fixed bug on loading user icon when the icon file was not available.
  To activate the user icon, you need to do the following steps:
  * Add the following line under the [Options] section of ini file:
    where the valid values are:
      0 = disable user icon
      1 = enable user icon
  * Create the following section in ini file:
  * Add the keys for the icon under the [UserIcons] section in format
      KeyName=path to icon file
    the keys name are:
      Once      = one time reminder
      Hourly1   = 1-hour reminder
      Hourly8   = 8-hour reminder
      Daily1    = 1-day reminder
      Daily6    = 6-day reminder
      Weekly1   = 1-week reminder
      Weekly3   = 3-week reminder
      Monthly1  = 1-month reminder
      Monthly11 = 11-month reminder
      uiYearly  = yearly reminder
      uiDisable = disable reminder
    the sequence of the keys is not important.
  If the icon file cannot be found, the default icon will be used.
  You need to restart the program to see the effect.

09:15:15 05.06.2003 - Version
* Fixed bug on the number of reminder today was not properly updated
  when the day changes. In the previous version, the number was
  updated until at least one reminder is triggered.

14:36:04 04.06.2003 - Version
* Fixed bug on the reboot dialog was displayed with resizable window.
* Added possibility to change the log file. To use this setting, add
  this line under [Options] inside the ini file:
  where the valid values are:
    0 = no change on log file (default value)
    1 = the log file will be changed daily
    2 = the log file will be changed weekly
    3 = the log file will be changed monthly.
* Added possibility to set the "Add New Reminder" as default action
  when clicking tray icon. To use this setting, add  this line under
  [Options] inside the ini file:
  where the valid values are:
    0 = Show Main Window as default (default)
    1 = Add New Reminder as default

12:28:51 29.05.2003 - Version
* Fixed bug when editing reminder data, an error occured and forced to
  restart the program. This occured when the temporary folder where
  Kana Reminder places its temporary file was deleted.

00:05:14 19.05.2003 - Version
* Fixed bug that the action taken when exiting Windows did not
  displayed correctly inside the reboot dialog.

22:12:14 18.05.2003 - Version
* Fixed bug that the number of reminder today did not updated after
  processing repeated reminder.

22:14:46 15.05.2003 - Version
* When the auto popup is selected, the popup triggered window does not
  steal focus (Win2000 and Win XP).
* Fixed bug on the setting to set hotkey to show the triggered
  reminder window.
* Improved support for WinXP theme. This sligthly increases the size
  of the file.

10:23:37 11.05.2003 - Version
* Fixed bug that the always on top of triggered reminder window did
  not implemented.
* Fixed bug that an error occured when exiting the program with
  triggered reminder windows are still displayed.

22:28:46 09.05.2003 - Version
* Fixed bug that the reminder sound did not stopped after closing
  reminder window when using auto popup reminder window.
* Added functions to save the reminder data into text file.
* Added logging capabilities for triggered reminder. To activate it,
  added this line under [Options] inside ini file:
* To shown baloon tips when the reminder is triggered on Windows 2000
  and XP, added this line under [Options] inside ini file:
* To customize the date and time display format, added this line under
  [Options] inside ini file:
    DateTimeFormat=dd.MM.yy HH:mm:ss
  for more information about the format (the url is wrapped).

00:17:53 09.05.2003 - Version
* Added one menu to show all triggered reminder windows.
* Some code optimization which reduces the file size.

22:36:01 08.05.2003 - Version
* The 255 characters limitation on the box to enter the reminder text
  did not deleted in the previous version.

21:51:59 07.05.2003 - Version
* Kana Reminder Version 2 Beta released.
  * Better password function. Password can be assigned into each
  * Multi triggered reminder windows. All triggered reminder windows
    can be displayed.
  * Unlimited reminder text. The text for reminder data is not limited
    into 255 characters anymore.
  * Can assign custom reminder interval beside the predefined types.
  * Added more exit windows types. Can select to hibernate and
  * Added setting to ignore an overdue reminder.
  * Many customization by adding settings in ini file:
    * Popup baloon hint when the reminder is triggered.
    * User defined format for date and time.
    * User defined format for reminder list icons.
  * Many more improvements.
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  • Last updated: Sunday, December 26, 2010 9:34 pm
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