Virus, Trojan, Spyware
When I run the program, it’s triggered my anti virus/anti trojan/anti spyware/ … program. Does it really contain virus/trojan/spyware/ … ?
None of the program produced by Kana Solution contains virus/trojan/spyware. Please download the program from this site, or from the mirror list to avoid to get the tempered program.
To reduce the downloaded size, some the executable files are compressed by using UPX. All files are then compressed in zip format.
There was a report that some anti virus falsely detects the compressed exe as contains virus. If this is the case, to avoid this problem, you can decompress the executable file by using UPX. To do this, download the UPX program from the link provided above, then use this command to decompress the exe file:
where FILENAME.EXE is the executable name of the program. See information about the executable name at the bottom of this page.
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- Last updated: Sunday, December 26, 2010 8:09 pm