Tag Archives: Beta

  • Firefox 4 Beta

    Firefox 4 Beta is based on the Gecko 2.0 Web platform. Please read below for more detailed information about what’s new in this version of the beta release, as well as the known issues.

    This Firefox 4 Beta is considered to be stable and safe to use for daily web browsing, though the features and content may change before the final product release. At this time many Add-ons may not yet have been tested by their authors to ensure that they are compatible with this release. If you wish to help test Add-on compatibility, please install the Add-on Compatibility Reporter – your favorite Add-on author will appreciate it!

  • Kana Dynamic IP Updater beta released

    Kana Solution released Kana Dynamic IP Updater version beta.

    Kana Dynamic IP Updater is a program that can be used to update your IP address into dynamic DNS service providers. It supports multiple service providers through configuration file. It is also an official update client for DynDNS.

  • Kana Reminder Beta

    Kana Solution released Kana Reminder beta.

    Kana Reminder is a small and easy to use reminder program. It can be used to display a simple text reminder, or a complex one which include launching a program, playing song etc. It comes with calendar window, which display current month with the date that has reminder in bold.


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