Kana Dynamic IP Updater beta released

Kana Solution released Kana Dynamic IP Updater version beta.

Kana Dynamic IP Updater is a widely used dynamic DNS service update client. It is optimized to work with DynDNS but supports many other dynamic DNS services.

This version adds the following new features:

Ask for password to access Kana Dynamic IP Updater

DynDNS Update can be set to ask for password to display the window. This will make the program more secure from unwanted access.

The following screen shots display how it works:

Updated Kana Dynamic IP Updater's Options Page

The Options window is slightly changed to make a room to access the new feature.

Display Window Setting

You can assign the password from this window.

Enter Password prompt

When the password is set, the Ask Password window will be displayed when the user want to access Kana Dynamic IP Updater’s window.

Popup menu with disabled=

When the password is set, the items of popup menu that affect the settings are also disabled.

Note: The password is saved inside the DynDNS.ini file, so it is necessasy to keep that file is safe place also.

Specify a fully qualified domain name

You can now specify a fully qualified domain name so that the mail function will work on mail servers that require it.

Email settings

This version also fix several bugs:

  • Added confirmation when downloading hostnames and the box is already filled by other hostname.
  • Fixed bug. When the checking for new version and new version dialog is displayed, the checking IP process is suspended until the dialog is closed.
  • Fixed bug when force update is required and a non fatal error is resulted. Previously, Kana Dynamic IP Updater will not be able to do the update, but keep trying. This results in continuous beeping.
  • Fixed bug when doing offline update. In previous version, the offline IP address was not recorded so the information displayed on updated IP is not valid.
  • Fixed various cosmetic bugs when running on Vista

Although Windows Vista is not officially supported in this version, several tests indicated it works with only minor problems.

If you are using this version, please report the problem, especially if you are running Windows Vista.

To download this version, please visit Kana Dynamic IP Updater’s Download page.

To get more information about Kana Dynamic IP Updater, please visit Kana Dynamic IP Updater’s page.

If you encounter problem running the program, please report it through contact page.

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