Tag Archives: Kana Clip

  • Kana Solution released Kana Clip Beta

    A new updated version of clipboard monitoring program, Kana Clip Beta, is available to download. This version incorporates various changes and improvements.

    Kana Clip monitors your clipboard for a new copied text and saves it into a popup menu so you can retrieve the text later on easily to be placed into clipboard and ready to be pasted into whatever you want.

  • Kana Clip version beta

    Kana Clip version beta released.

    Kana Clip is a clipboard monitoring program. It lists a recent copied text into a popup menu. You can access the popup menu by invoking a sequence of keyboard, and get the text that has been copied from the list. If you are on a text editor or word processor, the text will be placed on the pointer. If it is not possible, the text will be placed on clipboard and ready to be pasted.

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