Kana Virtual Drive
Program Description
KANA VIRTUAL DRIVE Copyright 2002-2005 by Kana Solution File name: VDCmd.exe This readme file covers the following topics: DESCRIPTION USAGE SYNTAX EXIT CODE VERSION HISTORY CONTACT *************************************************************** DESCRIPTION Kana Virtual Drive is a command line Windows program, which can be used to map a folder into drive letter. This program is similar to CDSUBST.EXE program in DOS. By mapping a folder into drive letter, you can easily access a folder with depth path. *************************************************************** USAGE To automatically mapping your folder into drive, run this utility automatically with Windows. You can create a shortcut and put it into Start folder, or create an entry inside Run section of registry. *************************************************************** SYNTAX VDCmd.exe -d=letter -p=path [-r] [-q] where: -d=letter Specify the drive letter to create. letter is the drive letter. This parameter is required. -p=path Specify the folder path where the drive letter will be mapped. path is the folder path. If the folder path includes a space, please enclose the path with quotation mark. This parameter is required when adding new substitution. -r Include this to remove the virtual drive. This parameter is optional. Without this the substitution will be created. -q Quiet mode. If required parameters are missing, no help message will be displayed. This parameter is optional. Example: VDCmd.exe -d=I -p="C:\Documents and Settings\My Name\My Documents\My Pictures" Will map your My Picture folder into drive I. VDCmd.exe -d=I -p="C:\Documents and Settings\My Name\My Documents\My Pictures" -r or VDCmd.exe -d=I -r Will delete the mapping of drive I. NOTE: - The -d, -p, -r, and -q are case insensitive. So, -d and -D are the same. - You can use / instead of -. So -d and /D are the same. *************************************************************** EXIT CODE The program returns the following exit code that can be used within batch file. 0 : Action successful 1 : Action fails 2 : Not valid drive letter 3 : Syntax error 4 : Specified path does not exist *************************************************************** VERSION HISTORY Version - Friday, February 04, 2005 - Added exit code that can be used on batch file. - Added file version information. Version - Saturday, January 17, 2004 - Added help message. Version - Friday, February 28, 2003 - Added validation routine for drive letter and destination path. Version - Sunday, December 01, 2002 - Initial release. *************************************************************** CONTACT For feature request and bug report, please visit https://www.kanasolution.com
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- Last updated: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 10:53 am
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