Copyright 2001-2003 by Kana Solution

17:45:44 20.06.2003 - Version
* Improved some interface.

18:33:40 21.04.2003 - Version
* Fixed a bug that the floating window icons became invisible. This bug 
  was introduced on the latest build.
* The floating window now is always displayed, although no icon is 
  inside its data folder.
12:31:05 19.04.2003 - Version
* Improved the methods to display floating icon window and popup menu
  for the edge of screen functions. The displays now do not steal the
  focus of your active window.

21:29:54 12.04.2003 - Version
* Fixed problem with the keys to temporarily disable the edge screen
  function and the right click to show floating window did not work
  correctly on Win9x, WinME, and WinNT.

18:24:43 28.03.2003 - Version
* Added setting to enable the edge screen functions of Kana Launcher
  to display the floating window or the popup menu when the mouse
  pointer is near the corner of the screen. By default, those
  functions are disabled when the mouse pointer is close to the corner
  of the screen. To enable this function, create the following setting
  under the [Option] section of ini file:


  where 1 to enable, and 0 (zero) to disable the functions.

18:59:43 12.03.2003 - Version
* Changed the help file into HTML help.
* Released as beta version

15:32:20 06.03.2003 - Version
* Added setting to use the edge of the screen to display popup menu
  and floating icon window.
* Added function to use right click mouse button to display the popup
  menu and floating icon window.
  * To avoid the problem with window systems buttons (minimize,
    maximize, close buttons, and icon on top left of the window), and
    the Start button, the edge of screen function is disabled when the
    mouse pointer is close the the corner of the screen.

17:49:03 02.03.2003 - Version
* Added shadow on floating icon window for WinXP.

13:07:57 28.02.2003 - Version
* Changed the order and the caption of right click popup menu on main

19:19:09 18.01.2003 - Version
* Added timer for popup menu to avoid flickering on some systems.
  By default, the timer is not activated. If you encounter that the
  floating window is too responsive when you close the popup menu, and
  very difficult to display the popup menu, you can activate this
  timer. To do this, add the following line under the [Option] section
  inside the ini file:
  where xxx is a number between 0-999 that represents the milliseconds
  the floating window will be delayed.

13:35:38 18.01.2003 - Version
* Enhanced the hotkey code.

12:00:00 04.01.2003 - Version
* Changed the location of the data to allow different users within the
  same machine have different configuration without using parameter to
  start the program.
  To find the new location, use the Open Data Folder menu.
* The right click to display popup menu on main tray icon is returned,
  so do not need to use shift+right click anymore.
* Added setting to customize the main tray icon.
* Fixed bug that the list of tray icons and floating icons on main
  window sometimes cannot be scrolled.
* Many minor improvements.

12:00:00 16.12.2002 - Version
* Changed behaviour of the method to display popup menu and floating
  icon window. If popup menu is currently displayed, the floating icon
  window is disabled until the popup menu is closed.

12:00:00 15:12:2002 - Version
* To avoid freezing, the method to display floating window when popup
  menu is active is improved.

12:00:00 07:12:2002 - Version
* Fixed bug in creating popup menus with more that 2 sub menus.

12:00:00 25:11:2002 - Version
* Improved the algorithm to read the icon. Now, it will not display
  the shortcut overlay.

12:00:00 22.11.2002 - Version
* Changed the behavior of tray icons.
  - Main icon still behaves as in previous version (displays floating
    window when mouse pointer is over the icon and uses shift-right
    click to show the popup menu.
  - Other created tray icon does not display the floating window when
    the mouse pointer is over the icon (if the window is already
    displayed, it will be unaffected). Consequently, the right click
    can be used to display popup menu, instead of shift-right click.

12:00:00 14.11.2002 - Version
* Fixed bug that the icons are not sorted in Win9x.

12:00:00 24.10.2002 - Version
* Added inifile setting for maximum floating window show time.
  To do this, add the following line inside inifile, below [Option]:


  This will set the max display time to 5 seconds.

12:00:00 05.10.2002 - Version
* Fixed bug on launching icon by using hotkeys.

12:00:00 17.09.2002 - Version
* First release of version 3.
* Added floating window.
* Added more functions on options page.

12:00:00 07.06.2002 - Version
* Fixed bug related to Group Start.

12:00:00 06.06.2002 - Version
* Added group start. Using group start, you can start several program
  using just one click.

12:00:00 04.06.2002 - Version
* Kana Launcher version 2 released.
* Added help file.

12:00:00 01.06.2002 - Version
* Improved the routine to extract internet icon.

12:00:00 29.05.2002 - Version
* Improved the interface.

12:00:00 27.05.2002 - Version
* Better handling of popup menu icon.
* Added some menus to refresh tray icon and popup menu.

12:00:00 26.05.2002 - Version
* Fixed an error occured when runs on Windows 95.
* Changed method to find the icon for popup menu.
* Fixed some bugs.

12:00:00 25.05.2002 - Version
* Added entry on treeview and icon panel popup menus to execute the
* Improved some codes to speed the loading.

12:00:00 24.05,2002 - Version
* Fixed memory leaks.

12:00:00 23.05.2002 - Version
* Added support wide system hotkey.
  To assign the hotkey, assign it to the shortcut.
  Click the Refresh Hotkey from tray icon popup menu, or from right
  click popup menu on treeview or icon panel if changing the shortcut

12:00:00 22.05.2002 - Version
* Changed popup menu structure.
* Added setting to open or explore system menu.

12:00:00 21.05,2002 - Version
* Fixed bug when populating tree view.
* Changed method to create menus. Now supports unlimited sub menu.

12:00:00 21.05.2002 - Version
* Added popup menu, so the program can be accessed faster.
* Fixed some codes related to tray icon.

12:00:00 20.05.2002 - Version
* Beta release
* Total redesign.
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  • Last updated: Friday, November 12, 2010 6:39 am
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