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  • This is a great program! I'm using it for several years as an organiser to remind me of calls to make, things to do, birthdays, etc. I'm an owner of a small IT business and this program has really helped. It's as important as my e-mail program. It's easy to install, to use, to backup. It really helps a lot. Although it's free, I'm using it for several years so I thought it would be good to make a small donation to the guys who made created it, I think they deserve it.
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  • This is a fine program that I have used for about a year. About a month ago the reminders with recurring multiday intervals all the way up to 3 months have started firing off daily. I have completeely removed and re-installed the software with no improvement. I have to assume this is caused by some Windows XP security fix that was installed because I have made no other changes. I hope there will be an update as I really like this software. Congratulations on a nice package!
  • Splendid and very useful program. However, I used to run with the pop up window "on top", which I found very useful. Having reloaded [I think an old version] after re installing windows XP, the pop up window does not come up or stay up. I do get the beep for reminders. I have ticked start with windows and auto pop up. I have checked the .ini.file and see RunWithWindows=0 PopupOnTop=1 AutoPopup=1 AutoClose=0 AutoCloseIdx=0 What do I need to do to get the pop up window to come up and stay on top.
  • Kana reminder is terrific. I like all the information displayed with a reminder popup, and the ability to add a long reminder. I have one suggestion and one bug to report: I have so many reminders that it would be very helpful if the main reminders window could be dragged larger (expanded) to accomodate the number and size of reminders. The (alleged) bug deals with the "Remind me again" feature: If I set a weekly reminder to "remind me again" in 2 or more days (up to 7), the reminder always pops up in 1 day.
  • I depend upon Kana Reminder (V. Been using it for years, but over the past few months, my data file has up & disappeared 3 times now. Wutzup with this. Luckily I have a backup program that does a weekly backup, so I can restore to about 98%. I am on a WinXP, w/ everything fully up-2-date. Me-thinks there is a bug that needs a fix. Program needs a built-in Backup/restore routine.
  • Excellent program. I am using Kana Reminder 1.5 When there are two or more reminders - I am unable to edit them to change configuration. Please suggest. Please keep up the excellent work. Thanks. VTS
  • When i start Kana reminder, i get the error message "invalid argument for time encode", and all my data are not show. What to do ?
  • I use the 1.5..... version and it' s a good - free program but something can get improve. If the program popup while i type on the keyboard i am unable to read message before it "pop down". I hope in the 2.1.000 soon as possible.
  • As I mentioned a few posts ago, I think the "millions of disk i/o's per day" is the big behind the scenes issue. I think I'm going to setup a ram disk (remember those?) and load the reminder there. This way they will not be physical disk i/o's. Seems like a lot to go through though and perhaps I will, after may, many years, switch to something else. Still, remember all, this is FREE and done out of the goodness of Kana's heart. So if we don't like it, don't use it. It makes no difference to Kana one way or another. Brian
  • Kana reminder beta version 2.0.122 was previously available in 2008. Waiting for the 2009 release of Kana Reminder to include printing capabilities.
  • This is a very good programme BUT one of the reasons i want to use it is for the AUTO SHUTDOWN option and it HASNT WORKED YET. I was using the previous version and that was fine. (VISTA)
  • Looking forward to the next version of Kana Reminder that will be a stable Version 2.0+. Kana's webpage was last updated on November 5th,2008. Suggest a new update for December 2008.
  • Installed Kana Reminder version 20.0 build 122 - Beta. In comparison to the previous version Kana Reminder v1.5 the functions were very disappointing. The new Kana Reminder v20.0 beta lacks custom controls that the earler version Kana Reminder v1.5 has integraded inside the software. Version 20.0 incorporates a GUI Calendar in the system tray. It is very difficult to remove this sys tray calendar from memory.
  • Hello I am a long time user of Kana Reminder and I want to express my appreciation. You have done this for other people and make it freely available, which is wonderful. Thank you so much. One thing that I find irritating is when people complain, or want enhancements to programs that someone has developed for free. What do people want? It is a free program that we should be (and I am) lucky to have, and not criticize it. So, I have no criticisms, but like the other poster "stonek", I wonder about the number of disk i/o's. The number is in the millions per day. I always wonder if I should run Reminder at all with this number of i/o's, then I forget all about it. It does concern me though. Could we have an explanation of this behavior? Once again, thank you for providing Reminder. Brian
  • Th program is very handy and I thank Kana Solutions for it. How do I opt for Recurring reminders (like birthdays, anniversaries, etc. ) and WHERE?? I shall be grateful if someone can guide me in layman's language, as I am not computer-savvy.
  • hey, it's a nice program. I had used ms-outlook for alarm popup before. But now, I use you program, it's light and functional. I have one recommendattion for your program. It's the "Keeping History" what i done before, so I know what i done and when i done something. I think that it's a good fuction on you program and users. I think that the most of guys who needs alram program is bussiness man or company people like me(may be not :-). They writes weekly report and wanna konw when & what i done in this or last week. If your program keeps history of items (date, time and text), it's a lot helpful for me and maybe othres. It's just a suggestion, thanks for reading.
  • Great and very useful tool. I use beta version ( The only thing I dont uderstand is why reminder.exe reads C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Kana Solution\Kana Reminder\Reminder.ini. This small ini file is being read every second, that I think is not necessary (try filemon from sysinternals).
  • Reminder is a very nice program... but it's eating 50% of my CPU! (v1.5.0 (build 61) Is there a plan to make it less CPU intensive?
  • I think this is an excellent tool. However, I do not understand the "more" option "ignore overdue on start" when adding a reminder. If checked does it mean do not display the reminder if the time for it has already passed, or does it mean ignore the fact that it is overdue and continue to display it until deleted. What I want is the latter, as the event may well be overdue since I do not switch on everyday. I seem to have "lost" some overdue reminders [they were probably display once but I am not sure.
  • Works great with one ommission. You can start a programn at a specific time but can you shut the program down at a later time? I coundn't find out how. All I could find was Computer Shutdown which is not always desirable. Am I missing something?
  • I like your reminder!! :) I found some weird in v2 beta version I got notice about my reminding so I clicked to edit it. I did not finish this editing and I got my second remindation so I clicked to edit too. When I finished first task I wanted to edit second task but it got red color and it was unable to edit or delete or display. I can send screenshots or video how it happends. Thank you for this software !
  • I have used Kana Reminder for quite a while now. I don't know what I would do without it. I tried several others but none of them does the job as nicely as Kana. I have one suggestion for a future version. I would like to have to option to keep the information in a reminder in some sort of log. That way I could go back and check at a later date. This could be activated with an additional button on the reminder "Log and Dismiss". Thanks for a great little program.

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  • Last updated: Sunday, January 16, 2011 1:46 pm
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