Kana Reminder

Frequently Asked Questions
General FAQs
- When I run the program, it’s triggered my anti virus/anti trojan/anti spyware/ … program. Does it really contain virus/trojan/spyware/ … ?
- How can I install/uninstall the programs provided from this site?
- How can I know the version of the program I am currently using? Updated!
- Beside program version information, what else can I get from the About box? Updated!
- I do not know where the program is saved. How do I know that?
- Why does the beta version take so long time to become a non beta release?
- What programming language do you use to develop the programs provided here?
Upgrading Kana Reminder
- What are the steps to upgrade Kana Reminder?
- How can I verify whether the converted data is valid?
- After I upgrade Kana Reminder into version 2, when I start Kana Reminder I am told there is no data in the file. However, the data file is still on my hard drive (after converted). What is the problem?
- I downloaded Kana Reminder version 2. Now, when I start the Reminder, I always get an error message. I used Kana Reminder previously. What is the problem?
Kana Reminder Data
- How can I backup Kana Reminder data?
- Can I print the reminder entries?
- How can I verify whether the converted data is valid? Updated!
- After I upgrade Kana Reminder into version 2, when I start Kana Reminder I am told there is no data in the file. However, the data file is still on my hard drive (after converted). What is the problem?
Running Kana Reminder
- What is the command line option for Kana Reminder?
- Where are the data and settings files saved?
- Do you have all descriptions of the settings inside settings file?
- What are the registry entries created by Kana Reminder?
- How can I disable the calendar window?
- How to set the amount of time before the calendar window is displayed?
- How to set how long the calendar window is displayed?
- Beside displaying calendar, what else can I use the calendar window for?
- How can I disable the balloon hint?
- I want to schedule my DUN connection so it will disconnect and reconnect at specified time. Can it be done with Kana Reminder?
- Why do when I want to create new reminder, the triggered time only shows trigger-time in 0-24 hours intervals from when I create the reminder?
- My triggered reminder shows the sky blue color on its bar (the bar which displays reminder type). What does it mean?
- The reminders list shows some reminder entries in sky blue color, some in red color, and some in regular color. What does it mean?
- I setup the reminder to auto popup. When it popups, and I am in the middle of typing, I accidentally close it. How can I prevent this?
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- Last updated: Sunday, December 26, 2010 9:35 pm