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  • First of all, thank you very much for "Kana Wallchanger" ! It's the best wallchanger I've seen and I've tested some of them before this one ^^ The option to resize correctlywith the original ration bigger pics is really a must have. Only problem : sometimes i get a strange error message "jpeg error #52" and the wallpaper don't change when this message appears. Could it be that kanawc doesn't support some kind of pictures ?
  • To: Kana team Please add some features such as: 1. change wallpaper every 1 month, 2 month, .. up to 12 month. 2. change wallpaper by specify date and time. that's it! :-) btw thanks so much, your software is very cute!
  • The filelist where you can add imagefiles to be used as backgrounds is VERY buggy. When adding files some are simply not added though clearly and correctly selected in the "file open dialog". It'd be great if this could be fixed sometimes. For the rest, great app! :) Thnx
  • It is buggy when you have more than 10.000 images and will use 100% cpu when loading and takes and hour and crash. (tested on 2 pcs)
  • Just add support for different wallpapers on each monitor on a dual display system and this would be the perfect product.
  • I'ld like to echo my thanks as well. However I do have one request, if you change any of the display settings can you put a confirmation box with a 10sec timeout to undo the changes. On a few computers I've tried changing the refresh rate the dekstop gets rotated 180 deg, and I couldn't get access to display properties to fix it.
  • I have tried many Wallpaper Changer, butI had yet to find a goodun. That's until I stumbled on to yor one. It's great. Not only can I change the wallpaper, I can also turn off the computer. Plus a few other things. Thanks.
  • Excellent stuff. I found your site looking for a small wallpaper changer. I hope you continue to develop this stuff cause it's all good - and it actually looks nice too. Whoop!
  • Awesome piece of software you got here. I've searched for ages for software to do this simple task. Without exception, all of them messed up the active desktop, icon display, display properties in some way, shape form or another. Been using your app for a while now, and it runs "sweet as a nut"!!! You put those guys "shareware" offerings to shame.
  • I want to let your company know that your product: Kana WallChanger is by far the best wallpaper changer I have tried. I have gone through a few wallpaper changers and none of them were very useful. I decided to give it one more shot by downloading your product, and I have to say your product impressed me! Thank you!
  • I just wanted to say it's great to be able to download a quality product for free. Your Reminder program is exactly what I needed. There are programs out there that do the same thing, but they want money for it. Your Wallpaper Changer is awesome too, the only thing I would change is to make the update interval down to one minute. Thanks again for the great products and unbeatable price. I hope your company does well in the future, but you had better start charging people or you won't.

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  • Last updated: Sunday, January 16, 2011 1:46 pm
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