Kana Dynamic IP Updater

Can Kana Dynamic IP Updater be run as service?
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Can Kana Dynamic IP Updater be run as service?
Running Kana Dynamic IP Updater as service means that you do not need to log on into Windows to run it.
Kana Dynamic IP Updater and above can be run as service or as regular application. For older version, it can be run as service with the help of third party software.
To run Kana Dynamic IP Updater and above as service, please read this faq.
Although older version of Kana Dynamic IP Updater was not designed to run as service, some users reported it run successfully by using third party software. Some of them are:
- Cygrunsrv
- Firedaemon
- Srvany
See also the note below for issues when running Kana Dynamic IP Updater as service.
In short, this should be considered:
Setup Kana Dynamic IP Updater service to interact with desktop to configure it. After this, you need to revert it back to NOT interact with desktop. Otherwise, the Kana Dynamic IP Updater service will terminate when the user log off.
The steps needed to setup Kana Dynamic IP Updater to run as service by using those software are:
- Preparing Kana Dynamic IP Updater to run as service after previously run as regular application.
- Installing Kana Dynamic IP Updater to run as service by using Cygrunsrv
- Installing Kana Dynamic IP Updater to run as service by using Firedaemon
- Installing Kana Dynamic IP Updater to run as service by using Srvany
Preparing Kana Dynamic IP Updater to run as service after previously run as regular application.
If you run Kana Dynamic IP Updater previously as regular application, and want to convert it into service, you need to do the following steps if you want to use your previous setting:
- Stop Kana Dynamic IP Updater.
- Copy
“C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Kana Solution\Kana Dynamic IP Updater”
folder to
“C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Application Data\Kana Solution”.
Note: The first path is the location of Kana Dynamic IP Updater setting file. It may be in different location if you start Kana Dynamic IP Updater with parameter. Also, you may need to create Kana Solution folder first in the destination folder.
After these steps, you can setup the service.
Installing Kana Dynamic IP Updater to run as service by using Cygrunsrv.
Cygrunsrv is part of Cygwin program. It is a free software, which is an implementation of an NT/W2K service starter, similar to Microsoft’s INSTSRV and SRVANY programs, or the FireDaemon program.
If you run Kana Dynamic IP Updater as regular application previously, you can use these steps to move your setting. Otherwise, you will need to enter your setting again.
- Install cygrunsrv package from the Admin category of Cygwin http://cygwin.com/setup.exe. Note: You only need to install cygrunsrv package to run Kana Dynamic IP Updater as service.
- From command line, change working directory into the directory where cygrunsrv.exe is. Default location should be inside C:\Cygwin\bin.
- In this step, you will install Kana Dynamic IP Updater as service with desktop interaction first. Later, you will need to change it to NO desktop interaction. (See the note below for more information).
From command line, you can use the following commands (See also cygrunsrv readme file – <Cygwin installation directory>\usr\share\doc\Cygwin\cygrunsrv.README) to install Kana Dynamic IP Updater as service with desktop interaction (all in one line):
cygrunsrv -i -I DynDNS -p “<path to DynDNS executable>” -d “Kana Dynamic IP Updater” -f “Kana Dynamic IP Updater service”
Note, the -i on the command is to allow the service to interact with desktop.
- Start Kana Dynamic IP Updater as service after registering by using the following command:
cygrunsrv -S DynDNS
- Kana Dynamic IP Updater service should start right now, and you will see its icon on system tray. Configure it if you did not do it yet, or check the configuration if you move your setting from regular application.
- After all configurations are correct, you need to delete the interactive with desktop setting from service configuration. The easiest way to do this is by using service control manager from control panel. The other way is by deleting current service, and installing again without desktop interaction.
To stop Kana Dynamic IP Updater service:
cygrunsrv -E DynDNS
To remove Kana Dynamic IP Updater service:
cygrunsrv -R DynDNS
To install Kana Dynamic IP Updater service without desktop interaction (all in one line):
cygrunsrv -I DynDNS -p “<path to DynDNS executable>” -d “Kana Dynamic IP Updater” -f “Kana Dynamic IP Updater service”
To start Kana Dynamic IP Updater service:
cygrunsrv -S DynDNS
The following problem was reported when running DynDND Updater as service with Cygrunsrv:
I tried stopping and starting the service from the Services management console, but it doesn’t seem to respond properly. Perhaps the configuration or the options passed to cygrunsrv could be changed to make it work somehow. This is not a problem, though, since the service can be stopped and started using cygrunsrv.
Running Kana Dynamic IP Updater as service by using FireDaemon.
This commercial program has similar function with Cygrunsrv. Installing the service with this program is a little bit easier because FireDaemon itself has graphical user interface, which allows controlling the service.
The following are the steps to run Kana Dynamic IP Updater as service with this program.
If you run Kana Dynamic IP Updater as regular application previously, you can use these steps to move your setting. Otherwise, you will need to enter your setting again.
- Install FireDaemon.
- After installation, launch FireDaemon service manager, and add Kana Dynamic IP Updater as one service controlled by FireDaemon. Consult FireDaemon help file for more information.
- With FireDaemon, you can setup Kana Dynamic IP Updater service to interact with desktop, so you will see its icon on system tray.
Running Kana Dynamic IP Updater as service by using Srvany.
SrvAny is a tool found in the Windows NT Resource Kit that is used for running Windows NT applications as services. It is also available for download as part of Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools from Microsoft.
The following are the steps to run Kana Dynamic IP Updater as service by using Srvany.
If you run Kana Dynamic IP Updater as regular application previously, you can use these steps to move your setting. Otherwise, you will need to enter your setting again.
- Create new Srvany service by using the following command in command line window:
Instsrv DynDNS “C:\Reskit\Srvany.exe”
This assume that your current directory is C:\Reskit, and both Instsrv.exe and Srvany.exe are located inside this folder.
- The next step involves editing Windows registry. The following steps are copied from Microsoft website, and edited to reflect Kana Dynamic IP Updater:
- Start Registry Editor.
- Select the following registry key:
With the above key selected:
- Choose Add Key from the Edit menu.
- Enter “Parameters” (without the quotes) for the key name.
- Click the OK button to create this key.
- Select the Parameters key created in previous step.
- Choose Add Value from the Edit menu.
- Enter “Application” (without the quotes) for the value name and leave the data type at the default, REG_SZ.
- Click the OK button to create this value.
- In the String Editor window, enter the complete path to the DynDNS.exe. For example: C:\Program Files\DynDNS\DynDNS.exe.
- Your service is installed.
- Open service control manager from control panel.
- Edit DynDNS service, and make it to interact with desktop. (This is needed to be able to enter/see the configuration).
- Start the service.
- Enter/check the configuration.
- After all the configurations are correct, stop the service.
- Edit the service again, and now make it to NOT interact with desktop.
- Start the service again.
After extensive testing, the following notes should be considered:
- When running Kana Dynamic IP Updater as service by using Cygrunsrv and Srvany, you CANNOT set the service to interact with desktop. If you do, the service will be terminated when you log off. This issue does not exist when using FireDaemon.
- When running as service without desktop interaction, when an error occurs during update process, no visual notification will be displayed. You may hear beep sound when an error occurs. You should check the log file if you think the program produces an error.
To run Kana Dynamic IP Updater and above as service, please read this faq.
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- Last updated: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 8:01 am
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