Current version screen shots

To view the actual size, click on the figure. The actual size figure will be displayed on the new window.

The first page of DynDNS Update wizard
The first page of DynDNS Update wizard
Public IP address information of DynDNS Update wizard.
Public IP address information of DynDNS Update wizard.
Page to configure the public IP address detection on DynDNS Update wizard
Page to configure the public IP address detection on DynDNS Update wizard
The program can download your hostname from server
The program can download your hostname from server
The page displays all hostnames that downloaded from server
The page displays all hostnames that downloaded from server
Kana Dynamic IP Updater log window
Kana Dynamic IP Updater log window
Kana Dynamic IP Updater log window: undocked
Kana Dynamic IP Updater log window: undocked
IP address page of setting window
IP address page of setting window
Page to configure the method to detect public IP address
Page to configure the method to detect public IP address
Page to configure the hostnames
Page to configure the hostnames
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  • Last updated: Sunday, December 26, 2010 8:52 pm
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