Kana Dynamic IP Updater

Kana Dynamic IP Updater v4

Kana Dynamic IP Updater version 4 is currently under development. It is still in earlier phase of the development, although the basic function is already working. Further refinements will be still needed.

Highlights of version 4:

  • Running as full service.
    • By separating the interface and the update engine makes the program more reliable.
    • More secure. Only authorized user can access to the update engine.
    • One client control more than one server.
  • TCP/IP communication between Kana Dynamic IP Updater client and server.
    • One client control more than one server.
    • Remote control.
  • Event viewer integration.
  • Supports Windows NT, Windows 2000 and up.

Screen shots:

Local service configuration
Local service configuration
Client configuration
Client configuration
Connect to server
Connect to server
Client program connected
Client program connected
Account configuration
Account configuration
Connection configuration
Connection configuration
IP address configuration
IP address configuration
Options for server
Options for server
Log for server
Log for server
Event viewer integration
Event viewer integration

Do not hesitate to make suggestions for this version.

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  • Last updated: Sunday, December 26, 2010 8:52 pm
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