Kana Dynamic IP Updater

Can I use my router status page as the source to detect IP address?


Can I use my router status page as the source to detect IP address?


It is possible beginning from version

In order to use your router status page as the source to detect your IP address, you need to do the followings:

  1. Find the page on your router, which displays the status page. On D-Link DI-704P, the page is Note that the IP address displayed here to access the status page maybe different on your configuration.Most router configuration page uses frame so you may not see the actual address of the status page. In this case, you need to find what is the actual address. Mozilla Firefox can easily be used to find this. By using Mozilla Firefox, on the status page, right click the mouse, and select:

    This Frame > Show Only This Frame.

  2. Specify the address obtained above on IP Server box on Kana Dynamic IP Updater Setting page. Because most of the router requires login, you may need to specify that address as http://loginname:[email protected]/status.htm.
  3. You need to add all IP addresses, other than your internet IP address, displayed on that status page into local IP list, including the subnet mask and domain name server.
  4. Please make sure to do the test (click the Test button) before accepting the configuration.


  • Because you need to specify the password on the URL, it can be seen in plain text on Kana Dynamic IP Updater Setting page and also on ini file. So, please make sure that the account where Kana Dynamic IP Updater runs, and the folder where the setting file is located are secure.
  • When Kana Dynamic IP Updater tries to find the IP address from IP server, it parses the returned text to find the text which resembles IP address format. When the IP address is detected, it compares to the local IP list. If the IP address in in local list, the program tries to find next IP address from the returned text. If the IP address is not on the list, it will be returned as your detected IP address.
  • This should work with all routers. If you have problems with the returned IP address, please send a report by using the Contact page.

Router Status Page:

Below is the router status page for various routers. Note that you may need to change the IP address to actual IP address of your router. If you have other information, please send it, together with the router model and brand, to the author by using the Contact page.

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  • Last updated: Friday, November 12, 2010 11:22 am
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