Kana Dynamic IP Updater
Provider Configuration File Specification
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Beginning from version, Kana Dynamic IP Updater supports multiple dynamic DNS service providers. The support is done by using a configuration file, which is in text file format. You should be able to create the configuration file after reading this page.
Below is an example of configuration file for http://www.2mydns.com
# This is configuration file for # http://www.2mydns.com/ # dynamic DNS service provider # # No change is needed in this file # # Enter hostname on program complete with domain name [default] withpass=0 host=dyn.2mydns.com port=80 path=/dyn.asp protocol=http [requests] hostname=%HOST% username=%USER% password=%PASS% myip=%IP% [result] multilines=0 success=1000 warning=1001
The following are the explanations of the provider’s configuration file. In this example, we are using request for http://www.2mydns.com, which has the following format
- Line begins with # is considered as comment.
- All keys on [default] section are required. The keys are:
- Key: withpass
- Type: Boolean
- Meaning: whether the request should use basic authentication or not. If your request uses http://user:pass@server format, then it uses basic authentication.
- Default: 1 (use basic authentication)
- Key: host
- Type: string
- Meaning: the server name used to update. For http://www.2mydns.com as the example above, the server name is dyn.2mydns.com.
- Default: NA
- Key: port
- Type: string
- Meaning: the server port used to update.
- Default: 80
- Key: path
- Type: string
- Meaning: the path of the page that accepts update request. For http://www.2mydns.com as the example above, the path is /dyn.asp.
- Default: NA
- Key: protocol
- Type: string
- Meaning: the protocol used to update. If you want to use secure connection, use protocol=https.
- Default: http
- Key: withpass
- All keys on [requests] section are the request section of the URL. All keys in this section will be read and used to create the request. The key has format keyname=keyvalue. The keyname is defined by each provider. You can use the following tokens for keyvalue, that will automatically replaced by correct value.
- %USER%: replaced by username
- %PASS%: replaced by password
- %HOST%: replaced all hostnames
- %SYSTEM%: applies to dyndns.org only. Replaced by dynamic, static, or custom.
- %IP%: replaced by current IP address
- The [result] handles the returned string of the update process. The meaning of the keys are:
- Key: multilines
- Type: Boolean
- Meaning: whether the returned string is in one line or multiple lines.
- Default: 0 (one line)
- Key: success
- Type: string
- Meaning: full/part of string that identifies the success result.
- Default: NA
- Key: warning
- Type: string
- Meaning: full/part of string that identifies the success result.
- Default: 80
- Key: html
- Type: Boolean
- Meaning: whether the returned string is in HTML format or not. If it is in HTML format, the HTML tags will be stripped.
- Default: 0 (plain text)
- Key: multilines
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- Last updated: Friday, December 10, 2010 10:01 pm
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