Kana Dynamic IP Updater

What is winsock error, and how can I fix it?


What is winsock error, and how can I fix it?


Winsock (Windows sockets) is a specification for Microsoft Windows network software, describing how applications can access network services, especially by using TCP/IP.

Winsock error in Kana Dynamic IP Updater is an error that occured when the program is accessing network service.

Kana Dynamic IP Updater uses winsock during update process, specifically: when checking IP (if not using dial-up), and when updating your IP address. If an error occured during this process, mostly the program will report as winsock error. Kana Dynamic IP Updater version reports the error as an error code and short description of the error. Previous version only reports the short description.

At this time (see the last update date below), the detail about the meaning of the error can be found from MSDN website.

Because this error occurs during the program accesses the network, to solve this error you need to look at whether your network is functioning properly for Kana Dynamic IP Updater.

For Kana Dynamic IP Updater, common causes of the error are:

  • Software firewall.
    Latest software firewall has an ability to create automatic rule. Kana Dynamic IP Updater may be not recognized as a software in automatic allow list, so the block rule is automatically created. Software firewall also checks signature of the program, so if you do an update, you need to create a new rule or update your rule for the new version.
  • Network problem.
    There may be a network problem occured, either temporary, short period, etc., but certainly affects Kana Dynamic IP Updater during its process of updating or checking IP address.

If Kana Dynamic IP Updater has been worked previously and suddenly reports winsock error, you can look at the following.

  • If the problem is temporary network problem, the error should dissappear when the network problem resolved. The tray icon should return to normal icon.
  • If the error is still occured although your network is working, then look at the firewall.


After received some reports about the winsock error, we did depth test on the program, and found that mostly that is caused by bad username and password. In version 2.1.67 and below, if your username, or password contains question mark (“?”), that will cause the request fails, and may crash the program. Beginning version, the method to create the request was changed, and that character problem should be fixed.

If you have experience about the cause of your error that is not listed here, please tell your story by using contact page.

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  • Last updated: Friday, November 12, 2010 11:40 am
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