Kana Reminder
How can I verify whether the converted data is valid?
How can I verify whether the converted data is valid?
If the conversion is valid, your converted data should be displayed on reminder list of Kana Reminder version 2.
The other way to check the validity of the conversion is by opening the converted data in Notepad. When you open the data file you will see the text KANAREMINDERDATAVx.x at the beginning of the file (start from second character, x.x denotes version number). This text will be read by Kana Reminder to verify if the file is a valid Kana Reminder data file.
- DO NOT edit this data file manually. The data file is in binary format. Simply editing the data file and typing that text in the specified location as explained above will not make the data file valid. It will corrupt the data file and becomes unreadable.
- The location of the data file in Kana Reminder version 2 is different from previous version, so you need to move or copy the converted data into the new location. See Where are the data and settings files saved? for more information.
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- Last updated: Thursday, November 11, 2010 7:32 pm
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