Kana Reminder
What are the steps to upgrade Kana Reminder?
What are the steps to upgrade Kana Reminder?
First of all, Kana Reminder version uses different data file format compared to version 1 and prior to this version, so you need to update your data. Moreover, the default location of data file is different from version 1.
If you upgrade Kana Reminder from version 2 prior to version, the program can detect automatically if you need to update your data or not. If you need to update, just click the YES button.
Kana Reminder version and above can also update data file from version 1. Because the location of data file in version 2 is different from version 1, your data will not be detected automatically, so you need to move your data into the new location first, and then run Kana Reminder. After that, your data should be automatically detected and be notified if you need to update it first. See the step below to find the new location of data file.
If you are using Kana Reminder version and above, the data file will be upgraded automatically. Make a backup of your data first in case the upgrade was not successful.
You can also update your data manually. The following steps explain how to do that.
- Download Kana Reminder Data Converter, and unzip it.
- Locate your old data (Reminder.dat). The default location of your data is in the program folder.
- Copy your old data into different location for backup.
- Run the converter program. It will ask for the location of the old file.
Note: The converter program will not check the validity of old data from version 1. It will check if the old data is already converted into new version or not. - During conversion, your old data file will be renamed into Reminder.old, or Reminder.oldx where x is a number, and Reminder.dat is your new data file.
- After you successfully convert the data file, run the new reminder program. The reminder list should be empty. Right click the tray icon, and from popup menu select Open Data Folder. This should open the new location of data folder and setting file in Explorer.
- Close reminder.
- Copy the converted data file into the new data folder.
- Start again the reminder. Your old data should be displayed on the list.
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- Last updated: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 9:29 am
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